Monday, July 28, 2008

EE 311 "Circuit 1" BSECE 3 1st Sem 08-09

1. Aranda, Leo Rey P.
2. Colarte, Cris C.
3. Espera, Ivy Rose M.
4. Galito, Darios G.
5. Lampadio, Victor G.
6. Lasaca, Jayson H.
7. Partisala, Raymund C.
8. Pulintan, Evelyn M.
9. Remano, Henry B.
10. Tabudlong, Joel Jr. C.

Solve all problems given last week for network laws and theorems using Maxwell's Mesh method. Compare results using Nodal for problems related to unknown potentials or voltage drops.

Friday, July 25, 2008

ECE 414 "Electronics 3" BSECE 4 1st Sem '08-09'

1. Bual, Mariavel
2. Burillo, Jacquillene
3. Cao, Novie
4. Dela Luz, Roudinni
5. Estampa, Raynel
6. Jawom, Marvin
7. Sangrador, Allan

Schematic Diagram, PCB Layout of two-channel 30-Watts Main Audio power amplifier with their pre-amplifiers.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

EE 411 "Energy Conversion" BSECE 4 1st Sem 08-09

1. Bual, Mariavel
2. Burillo, Jacquiline
3. Cao, Novie
4. Dela Luz, Roudinni
5. Estampa, Raynel
6. Jawom, Marvin
7. Sangrador, Allan

Find the maximum kinetic energy of emitted particle and that of the residual nucleons from the radioactive decay of [(a) scandium - 46 (0.889MeV); (b) arsenic - 76 (0.559MeV)]. The energy quantities in parenthesis are the amounts of gamma ray energy emitted in each of the decay processes. If one tonne of the isotope was present when the earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago, either determine the number of atoms existing at this time (if greater than 10 raised to the 10th power atoms) or determine how many years it took for the number of atoms to drop to 10 raised to the 10th power.
"Ohm's Law + Kircchoff's + Maxwell's Mesh + Nodal Equations + Norton's & Thevenin's Equivalent Circuits + any other Network Laws and Theorems may not be enough to solve, evaluate, or design a circuit or network configuration if the CIRCUIT analyst is not a GOOD BLOGGER!"

"Try me... I'm learning to blog myself then."

"Have a nice BLOGGING DAY!"